Thursday, December 22, 2016

CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #84

Matches This Week

John Skyler vs. Smith Garrett 
-Ethan Alexander Sharpe vs. Rising Generation League Champion the Dirty Daddy
-Montana Black & the Ugly Ducklings (Lance Lude & Rob Killjoy) vs. Snooty Foxx & Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions Aaron Biggs & Mecha Mercenary
-Roy Wilkins vs. PWI Ultra J Champion Chet Sterling

VCW Lutz Cup 2016


Gino vs. Ross Hall

*Gino also wrestles in Booker T's Reality of wrestling

Beyond Wrestling "By Popular Demand"

Free Match

Candice LeRae vs. Ryan Galeone

wXw Shotgun #287 - Year 2016 in Review

Matches On The Show

Ilja Dragunov vs. Lio Rush
- Bad Bones John Klinger vs. Paul London

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Southern States Wrestling: Power Half Hour 9/17/16

Hey guys, sorry been gone for a while. Got a little busy with work and school but i am finally back with a new review for you guys. This week will be the review of Southern States Wrestling.

The show started off with the promotion of their show coming up on the 24th. Then we got a highlight package for the feud between misty James and Rebecca Lynn. This was a well done highlight package as it gave us different clips from their many matches highlighting the moments that each has been dominate in this feud. Southern States has been gone for a while so i wasn't sure who the womens champion was so this package helped.

Next up we got the match of Rebecca and misty from last years fall festival event. the match started off with just some back and forth with misty getting the advantage. Misty worked over the arm of Rebecca for a while dropping the occasional knee drop on it. Misty hit a big clothesline and got a two count. Misty really just dominated the first half of the match with very little offense from Lynn. Lynn started a comeback by landing a big back elbow. The control then switched to Lynn also landing a big splash in the corner and getting a two count. Lynn distracted the ref and her manger choked misty on the ropes. lynn continued to beat misty up in the corner landing kicks and chokes, misty attempted to comeback but lynn landed some big forearms to stop her. The match slowed down a little before misty landed another big clothesline. Lynn goes outside to regain some strength and when misty got distracted by the manager lynn took back over. Lynn gets another 2 count. Misty starts to "hulk" up  but lynn got a rake to the eyes to take over. Misty misses a flying body cross and hits the ref, with the ref down the manager steps in and him and lynn double team misty. Dakota( Anouncer) takes out the manager. misty jits a body cross for the win. Must say i really enjoyed the ending.

New Champion: Misty James.

We get a promo my misty after the match. The promo is pretty good she is a good talker. Lynn attacks her during the promo.

Overall it was a solid show. Southern States is a throwback to that wrestling you would see when you went to your local fair, its fun and they actually have some good old fashion storylines. Hope you guys enjoyed the review. the episode

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Classic Match Of The Month: Razor Ramon in action Wrestling Challenge Aug 9th, 1992

Hey guys, I am back with the second installment of the classic match series. The first post was successful so i am glad that you guys enjoyed it. Ok i wont ramble lets get on to the review. This will be a short one because this month's match is only about 4 minutes long.

The match we had was Razor Ramon vs Jerry(couldn't understand what his last name was). I forgot just how awesome Scott was as Razor till i saw his entrance again, the gimmick was awesome. Razor starts to to punish Jerry with massive chops in the corner and just over powers him. He planted him with a form of choke slam although it was kind of weak, He landed a backside suplex off the top rope , he set up for the razors edge( for the first time it seems) and gets the 3 count. lol This was the pure definition of a squash match.

Well told you guys it was short. That was simply a pure squash match, but the whole time i did get the vibe that this was Razor's first match in wwf because the announcers didn't seem to be sure of what he could do in the ring. Overall it was a squash but it is always good to see a classic Razor match.

Thank you for reading, and ill be back next month with a classic that hopefully isn't a squash.

Monday, August 1, 2016

WVW Presents: Violence tv Ep.1

This is episode one of WVW by weekly show violence tv! For those who dont know this is the figure( yes lol) promotion i do as a hobby.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Classic Match of The Month: Tony Atlas vs The Spoiler Maple Leaf Wrestling Dec 9th, 1984

OK Guys, I am back with the first match in the Classic match series. I think i am really going to enjoy going back and watching some of these old( but hopefully good) matches and i hope you will to.

The first match is will be reviewing is from 1984 and it is Tony Atlas vs The Spoiler( with Captain Lou Albano) in Maple Leaf Wrestling.

From the start its clear that Tony is the big name as he is the only one with a entrance, and the spoiler attacked Tony right away. Spoiler does some dirty wrestling in the corner then hit tony with a off the rope elbow to the head. Tony get the comeback and hits a Irish whip. The spoiler put the Stomach claw on tony( which he sells well) and puts tony down. At this point Lou is gold on the outside yelling at Spoiler to stay aggressive, Tony finally starts to try and get back up from the stomach claw( which the announcers also sell well) Tony lands some big shots but spoiler has some himself. Tony makes a strong comeback landing a big headbutt off the second rope. Tony attempted to pull the mask off and lands more headbutts. Headbutts tend to be Tony's specialty lol. Tony chases Spoiler into the crowd which causes them both to be counted out.

Winner: Draw

It was a pretty solid match, it was basically two strong guys beating each other up so you get what you expect. Thanks for reading and Ill link the match below.

New Series: Classic Match of The Month

Hey guys. Im here with a update to let you guys know that i will be starting a new series. Starting to today(hopefully) I will be reviewing one classic wrestling match a month. These matches will be from different promotions and include many different wrestlers. I figured this would be a good way to bring some classic matches back to light again so hope you guys will enjoy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

DGW Backyard Wrestling Presents: No Nirvana 2016

Hey guys! In trying to be more consistent, I am back with another review for you guys. As you know we only review indie promotions  and smaller promotions so don't always get a lot of shine, this week ill be reviewing a promotion i ran across a few days ago called DGW. I don't usually cover backyard wrestling but they are one of the few who operate as a legit promotion so i figured i would give then a watch. So this is my review of DGW Presents No Nirvana.

The show started off with a really well done intro. The first match we had was a rookie showcase match between Damien Opah vs Jase Pool who actually has a good look for a backyarder. Pool and poah traded shots backand forth for a few mins but it was a good back and forth, Opah hit Pool with a big powerbomb and then they continued to trade shots. Opah dropped a big leg drop for a 2 count. Pool took a lot of damage in this match until he got a second wind and got Opah in a choke and Opah tapped. Your winner Jace Pool.

Next we got the retirement match of Chris Jones, and he went against JTM. Right away JTM tries to use his strength but Jones was good at using it to his advantage. Jones hit a big suplex on JTM for a 2 count, JTM hit 2 big cecaro uppercuts but got cocky and got hit with a closeline. Jones landed a big tornado ddt for another 2 count. This match like the last had good moments of back and forth action Jtm hit a spring board splax although it was a bit botchy, but he bounced back and locked on a nice last chancery. Jtm went for a roll up for a 2 count, Jones went out and landed a nice ddt on the side of the ring on JTM. JTM hit another spring board knee drop( less botchy this time). Jones hit a neckbreaker for another 2 count, followed by a sunset flip for a 2 count. JTM hit a super kick that the bucks could be proud of for a 2 count. Jtm with a nice nice package pile-driver for yet another 2 count. Jones landed a Canadian destroyer( Called the Kick-ass destroyer) for the 3 count. Your winner Chris Jones.

After the match Jones called for a restart and round 2 started. Jones went for another Destroyer it got blocked and got hit with a massive package driver but he kicked out JTM attempted another got driver got blocked and this time got hit with the destroyer and Jones won again even though it wasn't needed.

Next we got a promo from the world champion Simon Mac. He comes out to announce that now that jones is retired he will be making him the new GM. He asked Jones to kiss his feet and when he refused he hit him with a low blow and walked out.

Next up we had a two out of 3 falls match with Ace Stone vs Christian Dynamite. Before the match can start Dynamite throws Ace threw the curtain and begins to beat him down. Dynamite went for the quick pin but ace kicked out. Ace gets a second wind and begins to pound Christian with punches and kicks. Dynamite hit what he calls the dino bomb which was a severe botchy slash from the second rope.Most of the match was controlled by Dynamite, Ace landed a super kick and went into a arm bar, but Dynamite rolled the arm bar into a pin and got the 3 count. Fall number 1 to Dynamite. Ace hits Dynamite with a pipe( actually a monkey wrench) over and over again. Ace lands a two count on him,  In a really surprising move Ace landed a really impressive flying closeline from the announce table( that sits hit) down to the ring. He gets the second pin fall, and they begin throwing tools in the ring. Ace is just continuing to damage Dynamite with any and every tool. Dynamite got a second wind and turned the tables. Dynamite placed a hard hat on aces head and hit him with a hammer. The control goes back to ace who gets a two count. Ace landed a elbow drop for a very close 2 count. Ace placed Dynamites hand on a cinder block and stomped on it. Ace beats Dynamite with a tool case, and lands a running knee. Dynamite landed what he calls the cheat sheet for the 3 count. Your winner Christian Dynamite.

Due to winning that match Dynamite gained a continental title match, so our next watch The champion Mick Swift vs Christian Dynamite. The natch starts and of course Dynamite is tired so mick basically takes full control and gets a 2 count. Mick goes back on the offense, he tries to choke he out but Dynamite takes a positive turn. Mick hit a impressive German suplex for another  count. Dynamite raked the eyes went for a stunner but it was blocked but hits it next time for a 2 count. Mick hits a northern lights suplex and a rock bottom type move but for only a two count. Dynamite lands two flying knees and a insugurie( probably not spelled right), he got another 2 count. Mick last a 1 percenter for the 3 count. Your winner Mick Swift.

Next up is the main event, its the Executive Family(Simon Mac and Paxton Pain)+King Mac Vs The Circle( who apparently are just back together). We start off with Simon and rat( i think) they go back and forth working each others arm. Simon landed some nice chops and uppercut in the corner. Simon landed a flying closeline for a 2 count. Jtm comes in a begins to beat down on simon and lands a nice knee to the back. Simon rolls up for a 2 count, The big enforcer for the Circle (Dont know his name) comes in a punishes simon and starts to go for a arm bar. jtm and paxton go at it with paxton getting the best of him. The family are refusing to tag in King mac. Jtm bounces back and takes control and they go back and forth. King finally comes in a gets a 2 count then goes for a headlock. King works over jtm's knee but jtm comes back and lands a arm bar. Now jtm worked over the arm of King. Foster(the enforcer)) comes in and begins to dish punishment to King, he gets distracted and gets hit with a spear. Rat hits a frog slash and gets a 3 count so king is eliminated. King goes crazy and takes out everyone. Rat gets a 2 count, Simon takes control and goes for the submission. rat lands a flying closeline and lands a bulldog and got a 3 count but it was botched so it was a restarted 2 count. jtm attack Simon and lands a big spinbuster for a 2 count. big knee from simon. simon gets hit with a frankinsteiner but kicks out at 2. simon lands a gts for a 2 count, hits another for a 3 count. foster lands a spear for a 2 count. foster is in full control for a bit until pain comes back, jtm tags in and comes in hot. jtm goes for a pin but pain gets his foot on the rope. Foster puts the pain to pax pain, foster got a 2 count, simon and jtm come back in simon gets a 2 count. jtm hits a powerbomb(kinda) for a 3 count simon is gone and then pain pins jtm and he is gone. the ref gets ko'ed, the lights go out and theres some huge dude in the ring who choke slams foster. buts pain on top and he gets the 3 count. winners the executive family.

All in all it was a decent show, with some good spots for a backyard fed. Hope you guys enjoy and I will link the show below. Thankd for reading.

Monday, June 13, 2016


WVW the first ever figure wrestling radio show is back with another great show for you guys. Team battle is the premier tag team tournament in the figure wrestling world. Hope you all enjoy the action!

Monday, June 6, 2016

NECW TV ONLINE 18 May 04 2016

Hey guys back this week with another review for you, this week I will be reviewing episode 18 for New England Championship Wrestling.

The show started off with a backstage promo with Sammie Lane discussing the future of the Sisterhood, I must say she is really good on the mic so this was a really good promo to start off the show. We also got a promo with Mistress Belmont, who basically says that the sisterhood will go on no matter what, she had a few small stumbles but her promo skills are also good.

The first match was the WWW Women s championship match which had the champion Belmont vs Nickie Valentine. Nickie attacked her before the match started, proceeded to beat her up around the arena before tossing her in the ring. Mistress turns the tables and takes control of the match, she drops Valentine with a Samoan drop for a 2 count. Nickie hit Belmont with a suplex for a 2 count,  During a pin attempt by Valentine Sammie Lane comes out (looking sexy lol) tries to distract the ref and gets pushed by Nickie. Sammie tries to give Belmont a chair but wouldnt use it, the distraction causes her to get rolled up for the 3 count. New champion Nickie Valentine. Sammie and Mistress argue afterwards and run off to the back. Sammie cut another great promo after the match along with a awesome almost heart felt promo by Mistress.

Next up we had a backstage promo by one of my favorites the Masshole Mike McCarthy. He was amazing as usual. We also had a backstage promo with Scott Laveque and Sammie( who is still pissed at Belmont.

Next we get the main event for the Heavyweight title between Laveque and McCarthy. The match started out with Laveque running outside to yell at the crowd, this happens twice before the masshole chases him back into the ring he hits Laveque with a really nice monkey flip that sent him once again running to the outside ( yup third time). Laveque starts to walk away from the match but gets flipped in by Mike, then we get our forth run to the outside. Then we had mike hit a nice Suicide Dive onto Levque on the outside. The match slows back down just a little with just some back and forth Laveque attempts to toss mass into the crowd but gets reversed and mike throws him into the crowd. Mike hits him with a big cross body for a 2 count, mike hit a form of spring board leg drop for a two count, Sammi attacks mike while the ref is distracted them Laveque hit mike with a dropkick while in the tree of woah position. Mike goes for a spinning elbow of the second rope for a two count, mike goes for the um crippler crossface which makes Laveque tap but ref was distracted by sammi. Laveque got a two count after spearing mike from the top rope, mike locks in a guillotine choke and sammi jumps up on the ropes Laveque got another two count and belmount came out and chased sammi to the back, Mike locks in the choke again and Leveque taps. Mike retains the title .

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



This show is headlined by the ladder match for the WVW World Heavyweight Title. This is a action packed show so I hope you guys enjoy.


This is the first show of my new figure wretling promotion. So I hope you guys enjoy.Please leave comments I am always looking for ways to improve.

Woman OF Honor 4/13/16

This  weeks Women Of Honor match is a tag team match and it featured Mandy Leon and Solo Darling vs Amber Gallows and Deonna Purrazzo. We also have Taylor Hendrix on Commentary. I can never get past Solo's Furry gimmick but as a otaku part of me loves it lol.

The match started with Mandy and Deonna, and it was a pretty slow pace with the two just trying to get a feel for each other. Solo preceded to get beat up by both Amber and Deonna, and Mandy took a nasty bump on the apron and Deonna pulled her leg.

Amber and Deonna for the first half of the match were defiantly the more dominate team, with Deonna being the more athletic of the two. Amber hit the A factor but solo kicked out and reversed it into a role up. Mandy got the hot tag and was giving Deonna a good run until she got super kicked by Amber. Solo drinks her "special" juice and comes in hot but it doesnt last, Mandy and Solo both go for submissions and get both Deonna and Amber to tap.

Winners: Mandy and Solo.

The match was pretty good and all 4 women were impressive, I was especially impressed by Mandy she has really improved.

Well hope you guys enjoy the review. Thanks for reading and Ill link the match below.

New way of posting

Sorry I have been so behind guys, there are just so many shows that they seem to pile up after a while. So to make sure that I can stay on track or at least try to, I will start live reviewing shows, what that means is that while I am watching the show I will be typing up the review at the same time. This will ensure that I get the review done but also ensures that i include all the spots that need to be included.

I have also started my own online wrestling figure promotion, so I will be posting those on here also. They are in the form of a sports program being broadcast over the radio. so please check those out also.

So hope you guys will stick with me.