Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Woman OF Honor 4/13/16

This  weeks Women Of Honor match is a tag team match and it featured Mandy Leon and Solo Darling vs Amber Gallows and Deonna Purrazzo. We also have Taylor Hendrix on Commentary. I can never get past Solo's Furry gimmick but as a otaku part of me loves it lol.

The match started with Mandy and Deonna, and it was a pretty slow pace with the two just trying to get a feel for each other. Solo preceded to get beat up by both Amber and Deonna, and Mandy took a nasty bump on the apron and Deonna pulled her leg.

Amber and Deonna for the first half of the match were defiantly the more dominate team, with Deonna being the more athletic of the two. Amber hit the A factor but solo kicked out and reversed it into a role up. Mandy got the hot tag and was giving Deonna a good run until she got super kicked by Amber. Solo drinks her "special" juice and comes in hot but it doesnt last, Mandy and Solo both go for submissions and get both Deonna and Amber to tap.

Winners: Mandy and Solo.

The match was pretty good and all 4 women were impressive, I was especially impressed by Mandy she has really improved.

Well hope you guys enjoy the review. Thanks for reading and Ill link the match below.

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