Thursday, August 11, 2016

Classic Match Of The Month: Razor Ramon in action Wrestling Challenge Aug 9th, 1992

Hey guys, I am back with the second installment of the classic match series. The first post was successful so i am glad that you guys enjoyed it. Ok i wont ramble lets get on to the review. This will be a short one because this month's match is only about 4 minutes long.

The match we had was Razor Ramon vs Jerry(couldn't understand what his last name was). I forgot just how awesome Scott was as Razor till i saw his entrance again, the gimmick was awesome. Razor starts to to punish Jerry with massive chops in the corner and just over powers him. He planted him with a form of choke slam although it was kind of weak, He landed a backside suplex off the top rope , he set up for the razors edge( for the first time it seems) and gets the 3 count. lol This was the pure definition of a squash match.

Well told you guys it was short. That was simply a pure squash match, but the whole time i did get the vibe that this was Razor's first match in wwf because the announcers didn't seem to be sure of what he could do in the ring. Overall it was a squash but it is always good to see a classic Razor match.

Thank you for reading, and ill be back next month with a classic that hopefully isn't a squash.

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