Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Southern States Wrestling: Power Half Hour 9/17/16

Hey guys, sorry been gone for a while. Got a little busy with work and school but i am finally back with a new review for you guys. This week will be the review of Southern States Wrestling.

The show started off with the promotion of their show coming up on the 24th. Then we got a highlight package for the feud between misty James and Rebecca Lynn. This was a well done highlight package as it gave us different clips from their many matches highlighting the moments that each has been dominate in this feud. Southern States has been gone for a while so i wasn't sure who the womens champion was so this package helped.

Next up we got the match of Rebecca and misty from last years fall festival event. the match started off with just some back and forth with misty getting the advantage. Misty worked over the arm of Rebecca for a while dropping the occasional knee drop on it. Misty hit a big clothesline and got a two count. Misty really just dominated the first half of the match with very little offense from Lynn. Lynn started a comeback by landing a big back elbow. The control then switched to Lynn also landing a big splash in the corner and getting a two count. Lynn distracted the ref and her manger choked misty on the ropes. lynn continued to beat misty up in the corner landing kicks and chokes, misty attempted to comeback but lynn landed some big forearms to stop her. The match slowed down a little before misty landed another big clothesline. Lynn goes outside to regain some strength and when misty got distracted by the manager lynn took back over. Lynn gets another 2 count. Misty starts to "hulk" up  but lynn got a rake to the eyes to take over. Misty misses a flying body cross and hits the ref, with the ref down the manager steps in and him and lynn double team misty. Dakota( Anouncer) takes out the manager. misty jits a body cross for the win. Must say i really enjoyed the ending.

New Champion: Misty James.

We get a promo my misty after the match. The promo is pretty good she is a good talker. Lynn attacks her during the promo.

Overall it was a solid show. Southern States is a throwback to that wrestling you would see when you went to your local fair, its fun and they actually have some good old fashion storylines. Hope you guys enjoyed the review. the episode

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