Monday, February 20, 2023

Wrestling Quick Hits! OVW TV 1227

 Match one!

Garrison Creed Vs Kal Herro

Winner= Kal Herro. Its great to see just how fan he has come. The match was solid and Cal has a bright future ahead for sure. 

Video Promo!

EC3 Cuts a promo on Tony Gunn and they will be having a match in March. That should be a solid match. 

Match Two!

Will Austin Vs Manny Damingo Vs Loco

Winner= Blanko Loco. Loco is the number 1 contender for the Rush championship so this was basically a showcase match for him. The announcers did a good job hyping him up but he's just decent.

In Ring promo!

shalonce royal has a in-ring segment where she sings (terribly lol) and just yells at the crowd until Jada Stone starts to mess with her. They fight out to the ring and brawl and the segment ends.

Main event!

Team Jesse Godderz vs The Outrunners and Omar Amir and Luscious Lawrence

Winner= Draw. The match was just ok, not a big fan of 8 man tag matches and this one wasnt great. Tony Gunn comes out at the end to attack Jesse and crew.  

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