Saturday, June 27, 2020

AMW-TV EP. 199

We start off this episode of AMW with Kyle Maggard hosting and hyping up the 200th episode of the show and also hypes up the amw network.

The first match of the night was Billy P vs Rebecca Reese.

I must point out that for this match they drew a really solid crowd. We get Billy doing typical heel manger tactics and he gets a big slap from Reese. Billy stales for quite a bit until Reese begins to spank him. Reese gets the jump on him, Cash Flow tries to stop her and we get some interference by him. Billy does some head grabbing? but Reese gets the advantage back and lands the "ten count" punches in the corner. Reese lands a running bull dog and gets the pin.

Next we get Kyle Maggard vs Connor O Bryan.

The match starts with Kyle showing off his power over Connor and Kyle keeps the advantage even though Connor tries to use his quickness. Kyle lands a big body slam and Connor can not seem to get a break, he does land some chops but Kyle quickly reverses that and the power comes back to play. Connor does start to get some offense but this match is quickly turning into a squash with Kyle picking up the win.

In the main event we get Vic The Bruiser vs Cash Flow

We start off with Cash running from Vic a bit before we get any action started. Vic lands the first few punches but Cash lands a rake to the eyes to get the advantage. Cash lands some kicks and Billy P chokes Vic while the ref is distracted. Vic does start a comeback and begins to get the upper hand again Vic and Cash take the match to the outside which looks great because they are at a fair grounds. Cash begs for Vic to stop which leads to a low blow by Cash and he starts to choke vic. Cash now is in control and puts a sleeper on Vic but Vic doesnt go down easy. Cash is looking to wrap up the match but Vic lands some chops and some Dusty like punches and he goes for a double leg drop. Vic lands more punches but we get a ref bump and he calls for the match to end. Double DQ finish.

I would give the show a 7/10, I really enjoyed the main event.

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