Thursday, April 25, 2019

AMW Ep. 137 Review

Hey Guys! Back with my first review and this will be a review of AMW Ep. 137.

Ill start buy saying that I have gone a few weeks without watching amw, so I was surprised to see that Jake Brake had turned heel and joined back up with Lemon Juice.

The show kicked off like most Amw shows kick off and thats with a match. We got Jake Brake vs Allen Brian, this match was basically a squash match and just really used to further Jake as a big powerhouse heel.

Next we got Sean Cruise cutting a promo on Kyle Madgard, and I will say it was a solid promo and it also led to the main event.

Next they showed a promo package for the former wwe star Eugene who will be debuting for Amw next month, it was a decent package that showed him wrestling a indie match, Im assuming they couldnt use his wwe stuff due to it being copy written.

This was a pretty heavy promo show because next we got A promo by the Heatseakers( Tag Champions) who will be facing the Rock N Roll express for the titles. If your familiar with lower tier indies( not companies like evolve pwg etc) than you will be familiar with Sigman who is really good on the mic, so this promo was good.

Guess what! Next we got a promo by Stan Serra( Heavyweight Champion) for his title defense against Beau James. Then we got a promo by Beau James, both were solid promos.

Finally we have our main event which was Mega Destroyer and Sean Cruise vs Kyle Madgard and if Kyle won he would get a match with Jake Brake. To be honest this could have been better Mega And Sean did double team a bit but it was mainly Kyle beating up both and both guys looking clumsy. The match ends with Sean hitting Mega with a chain instead of kyle and the kyle picks up the win.

I give this episode a 6/10 it was mainly a show to build up their 2 to 3 upcoming shows in that regard job well done but match wise it was just ok. As always ill link the episode below and thanks for reading ill be back with another review soon.


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