Thursday, October 5, 2017

AWA Supreme Womens Championship Match

Hey guys. Sorry for the long absence but I am finally back with a new review and this is just the first of many.  This review will be of the AWA Supreme women's championship match between Scarlet and Hayley Shadows. And yes this promotion was called NWA Supreme until very recently.

When this match started off it was a bit slow and for the first 2 to 3 minutes it was just Shadows taunting the crowd to get some heat. Once the match started to get moving Scarlet worked the arm a bit and then we got some basic moves back and forth between the two( arm bars, hip toss, etc), Shadows got control after a while and then to me this was the best part of the match, Scarlet was put into a armbar and while in the arm bar she popped her arms out of the socket to get out of the arm bar, I definitely cant say that I have seen this before. After that Scarlet worked the leg for a while and to be honest during this whole match both ladies look pretty green The match ended when Shadows attempted to use a chain but Scarlet reversed and hit her with a big boot for the win, but the ref thought Scarlet used the chain so she got dq'ed. So your winner and still women's champion is Hayley Shadows.

I have to give this match a 4/10. It was decent but definitely slow alot but both women put on a good show for the fans and I did love that a lot of little girls were into the match which is always a positive because they could be the next Scarlet or Hayley Shadows.

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